
Hippie Talk

What Did The Hippies Want?

We wanted intimacy--not a neighborhood where you didn't know anyone on the block, or you competed, kept up with the Joneses.

A hunter-gatherer or early agricultural community meant that people lived, worked and sought deeper contact with the holy spirit as a group, and they all knew one another, from cradle to grave. I used to call my hippie friendships "a horizontal extended family," as opposed to the ancient tribal extended family, which was multi-generational, and therefore, vertical.

We wanted a culture which acknowledged the human body, not just for sex, but to hug each other, to be naked without shame, to revere the body with natural foods, beneficial exercise, herbs, baths, massage, deep understanding. This was not part of the culture from which we came.

We wanted a culture that thrived on gift-giving. We hitchhiked, shared our food and drugs, gave away our possessions. People who could afford to buy land invited others who could not to live there.

We opened free stores, free clinics, free kitchens, not just in the Haight, but everywhere we went. We wanted be living proof that God was taking care of us and therefore there was no need to hoard.

We wanted to live without the constraints of time. We wanted to wake up each day and decide what would be the most fun to do that day--or just find out as it went along. We wanted to go with the flow, follow our bliss, be here now. This was in complete opposition to the culture from which we came.

We wanted new ways to value one another, rather than by wealth, status, looks, achievements, machismo, as our culture of origin had taught us, and continues to teach us through the media. We wanted to value one another for being lovable and real.

We valued spiritual depth, which we referred to as "heavy." We admired one another for being happy. We admired those who offered selfless service or peaceful resolution of conflict.We wanted a spirituality that actually caused you to grow as a person, not one in which people attended religious gatherings for social status. We wanted to be guided by our own Inner Spirits, rather than by priests.

We thirsted for the spiritual awareness and grace we experienced on psychedelics, without psychedelics, or in addition to them. Many hippies would spent their last cent on a weekend workshop that promised to "change your life forever." That was how so many gurus found followers in those days.

We wanted to live in harmony with the earth, the plants and animals, the indigenous peoples of the earth, with each other, with ourselves. We were the fuel behind the rapid expansion of the environmental movement. We experimented with living arrangements that we thought would harmonize with nature. We sought out indigenous tribal elders as our teachers.

We wanted to make the things we wore and used with our hands, grow our food and medicine, feel all kinds of weather--all the experiences our modern urban lives had excluded in the name of convenience and comfort. We wanted to live on the road, have adventures, build things that hadn't been built before, and live in them.

We wanted to live our mythic selves, give ourselves names that resonated with our souls, dress in costumes that expressed our dreams, do daring deeds, dance as if no one was looking, decorate our homes with magical things, listen to music that took us out of ordinary reality into altered states of awareness.

We wanted to see life without violence. We wanted media that contained truth. Some of us risked our lives to find out what the government was doing and let the underground press know. We wanted to talk about things in print that we were not allowed to discuss in our culture of origin.

We wanted to live without stupid, arbitrary rules, either for ourselves or for our children. Some of our children, as adults today, say they wish we had been more protective of them, or offered more structure. We only knew what we endured, being as culturally different from our culture of origin as Chinese are from Italians, and punished for it, and wished to spare our children these experiences. However, some portion of kids raised by hippie parents grew up to be hippies themselves. At that point, one can say, a new culture was born and continues.

(Alicia Bay Laurel)

PROJECTION & our filtered realities

When we look
at someone else
and observe their actions
and believe that we know
their motivations
and how they feel,
we are projecting.

We are assuming that we know
all there is to know
about the situation
that the other person is in.

We are assuming that whatever history of experience
they have personally had leading up to the present,
it is either insignificant, or, the same as our own.

We are assuming that
their action speaks for itself
as if every action
which a person takes
has a specific meaning
which never changes
no matter where that action
is taken, with whom it is taken,
or, under the circumstances
it is taken.

We are assuming
that the feelings,
or lack of feeling,
expressed by the other person
particularly relates
to the values we associate
with that feeling.

We believe that
we know the other person
as if they were ourselves.

We award them the honour
of our experience, traumas,
ability to perceive
and to express
--- or lack thereof,
and our obsessions
and compulsions.

We assume that
they operate under
the same expectations, needs,
and assumptions that we do.

That is a lot
of assumptions!

(more interesting stuff below)

We've Got A Home To Go To...

...and It's Called Paradise

“We have reached the point in the cycle of evolution within the multiscreen cinema when a fantastic shift is taking place. The Third and Fourth Dimensions of consciousness are merging into the Fifth Dimension. It is like a ladder being pulled up until, eventually, the whole vortex/pyramid returns to Oneness. The structure which creates each of the dimensions is an energy “net” or “web” called a matrix. You might think of it as the steel structure of a building. The multiscreen cinema is a series of matrixes or energy grids interconnecting with each other. The whole “building” (vortex) is one matrix and so is each dimension, galaxy, solar system, universe, and planet within that overall structure. The human body is also a matrix and the energy lines of the body matrix provide the basis of the ancient healing art of acupuncture. Again, you could relate this matrix structure to those Russian dolls, one inside the other, with the biggest one encompassing all of them.

The matrix energy web sets the format and nature of each dimension, universe, galaxy, solar system and planet, and everything that exists within them. It is a gigantic thought form created by Oneness. It’s the movie screen, if you like. The matrix is the blueprint, the “computer” program, which creates and holds together this three-dimensional world and interconnects with all the other matrix levels. When a matrix changes, everything within it changes, and our matrix is changing…now! In fact they all are, on every level of the vortex and we are heading for a fantastic multidimensional galactic orgasm.”

(David Icke)


Their Opinion Matters Not At All


Because others cannot vibrate in your experience,
they cannot affect the outcome of your experience.

They can hold their opinions,
but unless their opinion affects your opinion,
their opinion matters
not at all.

A million people could be pushing against you,
and it would not negatively affect you
unless you push back.

They are
what happens
in their

They are affecting their point of attraction,
...but it does not affect you
unless you push against them.


Have you had
your hugs anD rugs

Manipulating Harmonic Laws

"In ancient civilizations, a class of initiates had precise knowledge of harmonic laws. They knew how to manipulate them to create the precise effect they wanted. And they wrote this knowledge into architecture, art, music, paintings, rituals and incenses, producing Gothic cathedrals, vast Hindu temples, all the marvels of Egypt and many other sacred works that even today, in ruins, produce a powerful effect upon us. This effect is produced because these men knew exactly what they were doing and why they were doing it: it was done entirely through a complex sensory manipulation."

3 Things Would Transform the World For Better

One: as individuals, we step out of the fear of what other people think of us because that is the prison that most people live in. And once you're in the fear of what someone else thinks, you are not living YOUR life in YOUR truth; you are living someone else's version of what they think you should be. In other words, you're in the herd now. If we step out of the fear of what other people think, as individuals, and say, to use the title of one of my books, I Am Me, I Am Free, and if you don't like it, that's fine-you have a right not to like it-but this is me! At that point we cease to be a sheep. And if enough of us do it, we cease to be a herd of sheep.

Second: we allow everyone else to express their uniqueness, even though it differs from ours. You know, "What a crime; call the police; my goodness me, this person thinks different than me!" Once we do that, we cease to be a sheep dog for the rest of the herd. Just those two things alone, and this whole edifice of imposed power starts to crumble because the very basis of it is crumbling.

Third: the balance point, no one seeks to impose what they believe on anyone else, so all are respecting everyone's free will, so that my belief is not imposed on anyone else.

-David Icke-

Have you had your hugs anD rugs today?

Your Truth

THE truth does not exist
as an objective reality.

Perspective creates perception,
and perception creates experience.
The experience that
perception creates for you
is what you call "truth."

Your truth is what
you actually experience.
Everything else is what
someone else has experienced
...and has told you about.

This has nothing
to do with you.

...from the book, "Home With God" by Neale Donald Walsch


Children Are Smiling and Going to School

GUEST: I’ve heard about the secret government in health conspiracies and very powerful men that want to control resources and create a lot of evil for the human race. I’m a naturopath. I work with health, and I’m frustrated by the health cover-ups that this so-called secret government has caused. And I’m wanting good for my clients. I’m wanting a way for them to have health.

ABRAHAM: You raise a very good question. And we want to give you an answer that will leave you in a place of feeling relief.

Let’s say, just for the sake of this discussion, that it’s not just paranoid people picking up on a stream of thought and magnifying it. Let’s pretend that everything you heard is true.

As you project thought, that thought exists eternally, which means that every thought that you’ve ever thought exists. It also means that every thought that everyone else has ever thought exists—and by Law of Attraction those thoughts are coalescing. So there are literally rivers of thoughts that you can tap into by focusing upon something long enough that you find vibrational harmony with it.

You cannot protect yourself from something that you do not want because as you addressing this thing that you do not want—you are finding vibrational harmony with this thing that you do not want. And now that you have found vibrational harmony with it, it comes to you. And then you say, “See, they were right. That terrible reality that they talked about is accurate and I have proof of it.” And we say, “All you’ve proved is that you have the ability to find vibrational harmony with something you don’t want.”

Every thought that has ever been thought still exists. And so, as an individual, what you are really wanting to do is appreciate that it exists, so that from it you can get a basis of your own desire. And then, as you individually align with your basis of desire—then that’s the life that you live.

This free will, that means so much to you when you are getting your way—you would like to take away from those who are getting their way if their way does not agree with your way. Fortunately, you can never orchestrate that from your position. Many of you try. You get together and you say, “This is true evil. This is absolutely a wrong thing. Let’s get enough of us together that we can push against that.” And all you do as you get a bunch of you together to push against it is create more of it and make sure that you are more likely to be in vibrational harmony with it. We will put your mind at ease just a little bit by offering you one very clear statement. Your government is not that clever. You are giving them way too much credit.

Every feeling of victim, every feeling of paranoia, every feeling of vulnerability, that has been projected from the beginning of man’s experience here on this planet, is running like a river. And every now and again someone will tap into that stream and speak it as truth—and what they are speaking is their truth. What they are speaking is what they are finding vibrational harmony with. What they are speaking is an option that is certainly available to all of you.

Most of you are not aware of what the vibrations, that you are offering, are attracting back to you.” So, if you mean well, if you want well, but you are not getting well, and you don’t understand because nobody’s explained to you the correlation between what you are thinking and feeling and what you are getting—that’s a breeding ground for paranoia. Because then you say, “Well, I’m certainly not doing it to myself. Somebody else must be doing it to me.” And as it shows up everywhere you go, it must be somebody really, really good, somebody who has spies and networks and satellites. “How could I keep having these same negative experiences everywhere I go? I know I’m not doing it to me. So somebody else must be doing it. And if they’re this good, they must be really good. It must be government or other galaxies. It’s a huge conspiracy.”

And we say, It’s a self-perpetuated conspiracy. It’s you hooking into victimhood or into the vulnerability and holding yourself apart from Well-being, and then blaming somebody else because the Well-being doesn’t come to you. Law of Attraction says Well-being can’t come to you when you’re so aware that you are standing over here where you don’t want to be. So you blame your plight on your mother or on the government or on some evil conspiracy, and we say, All you need to do is just relax and lighten up and let your Energy raise, and Well-being will come back to you. And then, who do you give that credit to?

When Well-being happens, why aren’t there any “giant conspiracies of Well-being” out there? You never hear it, do you? “The government has secret things that are happening that are making things go well for me. Traffic lights are turning green and friends are calling me and dollars are flowing. There’s a conspiracy of health in our neighborhood. I look around and almost everyone I see is up and alive and well. Children are smiling and going to school. The traffic, for the most part, is going very well. Only a fraction of our traffic ever goes wrong. A conspiracy. A conspiracy.”


You know what most people in our society, including me, seem to have in common?

We all have the same disability.

And it's an important ability not to have.

The best way to explain this disability
would probably be by telling the story
of the king and the villagers.

In the story, the villagers
all drink from a well
at the bottom of the hill.

It's become poisoned,
and they all go insane.

The king lives at the top
of the hill
and drinks from
a different well
that is safe and clean.

Eventually, all the villagers
start to notice that the king
has been acting differently,
acting kinda crazy.

They demand
that the king
stop acting crazy,
or else.

The king soon figures out
that the only way to survive
is to go to the bottom
of the hill
and drink the water
from the villagers' well.

He drinks the water.

He goes insane.

And, the villagers
then all celebrate
the king having come
to his senses.

Editor's Note: It reminds me
of my relatives


Society Does Not Understand

Your society wants to condemn them.

Your society would like to crucify them.

Your society would like to lock them up.

Your society would like to put them off in places
where they can never get near any of you.

Your society does not understand
that they are your creation.

As individuals, you have to accept responsibility for everything that's interacting with you.

Because it would not be interacting with you if you did not have an active vibration about it.

This is really, really important.

This means I cannot blame how I feel on my mate.

I cannot blame how I feel
on my children,
or on my mother,
or on my government,
or on my society,
or on my client,
or on the other drivers around me.

You say, "Oh, but it wasn't my fault because I didn't offer the vibration until they did that action, and after they did that action, then I offered the vibration."

In other words, the experience that I'm having is my job.

It's all my creation.

It's all my responsibility.

And we say, still,
you are the only one
that can change
your vibration.

And you say, "Oh, but if they'd behave differently,
then I'd change my vibration."

We say,
"Oh, here we go again."

How many decades of life experience within this body
do you think it's going to take
before you finally convince yourself
that you can't get them to choose?

They're not going to hold you
as their object of attention long enough.

Pleasing you is not their job.

You pleasing you
is your job.

You've got to find something redeeming in them
so that you can be pleased.

And when you find it,
activate that in your vibration,
and then they will show it to you.
